Those wish to associate with us in opening and running of our specialized courses in their region are welcome to contact us.
The pre-requisite requirements are :
1. Space: TWO rooms of 15x20' for class rooms, 10x10' for office, one store/stock room of 8x10' and toilet with drinking water facility - own or rented approachable irrespective of residential flat.
2. Furniture: For class room and office with office staff.
3.FRANCHISEE FEE Rs.20,000/- (one time-Non-refundable). 20% fee will be credited to the franchise account by the franchisee as royalty and an agreement will be signed binding each party. The franchisee will promote the courses to attract the students. The franchisee will not run such courses of any other client/s and will devote time & space entirely on franchise courses. If found daviation, the franchisee will loose the franchise. The study material/s will not be copied or passed and will be the sole property of franchise. The franchisee will keep the records of all the admissions and will remit the franchisee fee within one week of start of new session. Fee once paid by the student will not be refunded, adjusted or transferred. The franchise will provide the fee receipt to the franchisee. In the event of cancellation of franchise, the franchisee will return entire study material and stationery, etc. to the franchise and franchisee will not run by self or his family members, the courses being offered by the franchise for next TWO years.
4. The franchise will train the staff of the franchisee to run and manage the course/s. The course material will be supplied by the franchise to the franchisee for onward distribution to the students and its records will be maintained by the franchisee. The franchise staff can visit the franchisee office to check the records and franchisee will render all his/her support. The franchise will offer any new course launched to the franchisee and in the event of non acceptance, the same will be offered to the party in queue. All upgradation of materials will be supplied to the franchisee. The franchise staff, at the end of the course, will come to conduct the examination. The franchisee will promote the courses at his costs for which franchise will provide the promotional material (advertisement pattern) for promotion. Any material with out the consent of franchise, if found, done by the franchisee, its franchisee will stand cancel.
5. For practical purposes, the franchisee will purchase and maintain the required items/samples. The franchise will assist the franchisee in getting the items/samples required for practicals. Where necessary, students are required to interact with the practising doctor for case studies, etc. the franchisee or students themself will tie up to meet the criteria. The franchise will provide the guide lines to meet the requirements. To meet the course criteria, students will be required to get a certification from the practical provitor (practising doctor) that student have successfully undergone the practical/s.
The franchisee will abide by the clauses added or removed by the franchise for the smooth running of centre and courses.
Where Franchise offer Job Placement, the Franchise with the cooperation of Franchisee will promote its students in job market and will tie up with Agencies where necessary. What ever share generated from placement, it will be equally devided between franchise and franchisee. The franchise will train franchisee staff how to market and get the jobs for successful candidates. The franchisee will keep the records of placed students and will immediately transfer the shared funds to franchise account after a candidate is successfully placed and its share of placement received from client by the franchisee.
Any query, please refer to franchise.
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